Senior Maths Kit - Astra Scientific
Senior Maths Kit
ASTRA SCIENTIFIC Product Name: Senior Maths Kit

Description and Specification for Lab Tenders

Senior Maths Kit.

This kit consists of 20 types of manipulatives which help the teacher in teaching advanced concepts in mathematics. Each manipulative is designed in a way that makes it easy to co-relate with the curriculum. The teachers will find it a useful training aid. Size of the manipulatives makes it possible for teaching in a group.

• Geoboard 
• Magnetic Fraction Disk
• Set of Marbles
• Pythagoras Theorem, (Magnetic)
• Dummy Cheque Book & Pay in Slip
• Mensuration Kit
• Derivation of Pie (Magnetic)
• Optical Square
• Cross Vertical Staff
• Vernier Calliper
• Standard Time Indicator
• Survey Measuring Tape
• Rain Gauge
• Magic Circle
• Mathematics Charts set of 15
• Algebra Cubes Plastic
• Sextant Model
• Theodolite Model

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